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Dashboard overview

Dive into the elements and concepts that you’ll encounter in the Dashboard app.

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Written by Team IQM
Updated over 2 months ago

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Dashboard overview

Monitor your campaigns’ real-time performance at a glance and make ad-hoc adjustments to them in the Dashboard app. You can create customized dashboards that fit your needs and track progress over time.

Dashboards are just one of your reporting and analytics tools. Refer to “Reporting and analytics” collection overview to review the other reports and insights available in the IQM platform.

Dashboard elements

Time zone and date range

Define the reporting window for the metrics and dimensions that surface in your dashboard.

Summary information

Compare whether key metrics are performing better (% increase) or worse (% decrease) than they were during the previous reporting window.

The comparison is based on the same timeframe as the one you selected. For example, when you select 3 Months as the dashboard’s date range, the summary compares performance over the most recent three months to performance over the prior three months.

Metric comparison panel

Use the comparison panel to review data related to two metrics, and determine top performers by grouping by a particular dimension and metric. For example, you might group by the Creative dimension and Clicks metric to uncover which five creatives drove the most clicks during the date range that you selected.

Refer to Compare metrics and group by a metric for more information.


Define which insertion orders (IOs) and campaigns will populate in the Dashboard table by searching and/and filtering a dashboard.

View By

Include only campaigns or only IOs in the dashboard table.

Campaign Type

Include only campaigns or IOs with a certain campaign type [Programmatic Guaranteed (PG) or Advanced] in the dashboard table.


Include only campaigns or IOs with a certain budget type (Budget or Impression) in the dashboard table.

Creative Type

Include only campaigns or IOs featuring a particular status such as Running or Expired in the dashboard table.

Select Insertion Orders

Include only the IOs that you select in the dashboard table.

Select Campaigns

Include only the campaigns that you select in the dashboard table.

Dashboard table

A dashboard’s table is your primary command center for monitoring campaign performance details, applying quick edits to campaigns one by one or in bulk, and generating customized reports.

Data table customizations

Customize the dashboard table to surface your preferred metrics and dimensions at a glance.

Refer to Create or manage a dashboard for details on how to customize the table in the following ways:

  • Add, remove, or move a dashboard table’s columns.

  • Search or filter to specify the types of campaigns or campaign elements that are included in a dashboard table.

  • Save the customizations that you apply to a dashboard for future use.

Campaign management

You can manage certain campaign elements directly from a dashboard table.

Refer to Manage a campaign from a dashboard for details on how to complete the following actions:

  • Change campaign budgets

  • Change campaign Max Bid Prices

  • Change campaign end dates

  • Edit, duplicate, or delete campaigns

General reports and Insights reports

Insights report requirements: Your campaign must meet certain eligibility requirements before you can generate Insights reports for it. Refer to Audience Insights report overview, Voter Level Data (VLD) Insights report overview, and Campaign Bidding Insights report overview for more information on the data included in each report and to review their individual eligibility criteria.

Craft custom reports or generate tailored Insights reports from a dashboard table.

  • Custom reports: Select one or more campaigns from a dashboard to create a general report in one click. You’ll get redirected to the Report app, where you can layer on the individual dimensions and metrics that you’d like to include in the report.

  • Insights reports: Generate Insights reports for one campaign at a time to inform your campaign optimizations.

    • Audience Insights reports: Gain a holistic, in-depth view of users’ characteristics, interests, and behaviors for each audience you create.

    • Voter Level Data (VLD) Insights reports: Surface ad exposure, engagement, and demographic data; and voting-history details, about the voters that you target in political campaigns.

    • Campaign Bidding Insights reports: Assess which targeting parameters are limiting a campaign’s number of bid requests.

Refer to Generate performance and insights data from a dashboard for more details on how to generate reports and insights from a dashboard table.

Available balance

The top of each dashboard displays the account’s available balance. Organization administrators can add funds to an account. Contact yours to complete this process.

Dashboard metrics and dimensions

The metrics and dimensions included in the dashboard table range from campaign specifics to performance details. Certain ones are featured by default, and others can be added via the Columns menu.

Review Customize a dashboard table for instructions on how to add or remove a dashboard-table column, and refer to the resources below to learn more about each metric and dimension that’s featured on your dashboard:

Key terms and concepts

Set, Add, Split

Set, Add, and Split are three options that you’ll encounter when you edit a campaign’s total budget from a dashboard. Refer to Manage a campaign from a dashboard for more information on how to apply these changes to your campaigns.


The New Total Budget value that you enter is the exact value that’s used for the campaign’s total budget.

Example: A campaign’s current total budget is $200,000. You enter $250,000 in the New Total Budget field and select = Set. The campaign’s new total budget is $250,000.


The value you enter in the New Total Budget field is the amount that gets added to the campaign’s existing total budget.

Example: A campaign’s current total budget is $200,000. You enter $50,000 in the New Total Budget field and select + Add. The campaign’s new total budget is $250,000.


The value you enter in the New Total Budget field is the amount that gets divided evenly across each of the campaigns you selected. Note that you must select more than one campaign for the Split open to appear.

Example: A campaign’s current total budget is $200,000. You select four campaigns, enter $250,000 in the New Total Budget field, and click ÷ Split. Each of the four campaigns’ total budgets are $62,5000, which total $250,000 when combined.

Locate additional dashboard resources

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