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Create or manage a dashboard

Create and customize personalized dashboards that fit your needs and improve your reporting workflow.

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Written by Team IQM
Updated over 2 months ago

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You’ll use the dashboards you create in the Dashboard app to track your campaigns’ progress and performance. Create and manage customized dashboards that fit your needs and improve your reporting workflow.

You can also save time by adjusting certain campaign elements—like budgets and bid prices—directly from these dashboards. Refer to Manage a campaign from a dashboard for more information, and continue reading to learn how to customize your dashboards.

Customize a dashboard

Start by opening the Dashboard app from the homepage. You can customize a dashboard in the following ways:

Select a time zone and date range

The dashboard aggregates campaigns and related data based on your time zone and date range selections.

Follow these steps to choose the dates and times that you’d like for the dashboard to reflect:

  1. Search or browse and select a time zone from the Timezone menu.

  2. Open the Date Range menu.

  3. Either manually select your preferred date range or select a preset timeframe from the available options.

  4. Click Apply.

Customize a dashboard table

Choose which metrics appear in your dashboard’s table; define the order in which they appear; and sort, filter, or search to surface campaigns by their elements.

Add or remove a column

Open the Columns menu. Click a metric to add it to the dashboard table, or click it a second time to remove it.

Sort by a column

You can sort a dashboard table by any column’s dimensions or metrics.

Click a column’s title once to sort by that dimension or metric in ascending order. Click it again to sort in descending order.

Move a column

You can drag-and-drop a column to change the order in which your dashboard table’s dimensions and metrics appear.

Click and hold a column’s title. Drag the column’s title and hover it before or after another column’s title. When the vertical blue line appears, release your click to place the column in its new location.

Filter or search

Use the dashboard’s filters and search function to define which insertion orders (IOs) and campaigns populate in the table. Refer to Dashboard elements to learn more about each available filter.

Select your preferred customizations from the row of available filters, or use the Search by field to enter a campaign ID or campaign name.

Compare metrics and group by a metric

Use the data comparison panel to review data related to two metrics, and determine top performers by grouping by a particular dimension and metric.

Locating the data comparison panel: You’ll need to expand the data comparison panel for it to appear on your dashboard. Locate and select the expand arrow on the bottom-left corner of your dashboard to display the panel.

Compare metrics

Browse and select one metric from the first Metric menu, and another metric from the second Metric menu. Note the colored circle next to each metric to help you differentiate between them as you review the chart.

Group by a metric

Below the chart, browse and select a dimension from the Group By menu, and browse and select a metric from the Metric menu. For example, you might group by the Creative dimension and Clicks metric to uncover which creatives drove the most clicks during the date range that you selected.

The panel displays the top five items based on performance related to the metric you select; however, you can view full performance details in the dashboard table. Follow the steps outlined in Filter or search and Sort by a column to review performance by a particular campaign element and metric.

If no data was captured for this metric across the date range you select, 0 will appear next to each campaign element in the dashboard panel.

Save dashboard settings

Select Save Dashboard to keep a record of each dashboard customization that you apply. You can return to the Dashboard app and Open a saved dashboard to automatically apply each of your settings and filters.

Open a saved dashboard

Open the Dashboard dropdown menu to browse and select an existing dashboard.

Clear dashboard settings and filters

Select Reset Dashboard to restore the dashboard’s default settings and filters. Note that this action is permanent. You’ll need to manually apply each setting and filter if you’d like to create the same dashboard again.

Locate additional dashboard resources

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