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Manage pacing

Locate pacing performance details for your campaigns and insertion orders (IOs).

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Written by Team IQM
Updated over 2 months ago

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Pacing overview

Monitoring pacing helps ensure that your campaigns spend in full. You can review pacing metrics at both the campaign and insertion order (IO) levels in the Campaigns and Dashboard apps.

Refer to Pacing overview to learn how to interpret pacing metrics, or continue reading to locate pacing performance details for your campaigns and IOs.

Locate Campaign Pacing, Insertion Order (IO) Pacing, and Daily Pacing metrics

Locate pacing metrics in the Campaigns app

Follow these steps to locate Campaign Pacing, IO Pacing, and Daily Pacing metrics in the Campaigns app:

  1. Open the Campaigns app from the homepage.

  2. Filter or search your IOs to locate the one(s) for which you want to monitor pacing.

  3. Locate the IO Pacing column.

    1. You may need to add the IO Pacing column to the table by selecting it from the Columns menu.

  4. Select the IO for which you’d like to review campaign pacing and daily pacing metrics.

  5. Filter or search the IO’s campaigns, if desired, to narrow the table view to specific campaigns.

  6. Locate the Campaign Pacing and Daily Pacing columns.

    1. You may need to add these metrics to the table by selecting them from the Columns menu.

You can sort the IO table or campaigns table by pacing performance. Click a column’s title once to sort by that metric in ascending order. Click it again to sort by that metric in descending order.

Locate pacing metrics in the Dashboard app

Follow these steps to locate Campaign Pacing, IO Pacing, and Daily Pacing metrics in the Dashboard app:

  1. Choose the Dashboard app from the homepage.

  2. Open the View by menu and select Insertion Orders or Campaigns.

  3. If you selected Insertion Orders, locate the IO Pacing column in the table.

    1. You may need to add the IO Pacing column to the table by selecting it from the Columns menu.

  4. If you selected Campaigns, locate the Campaign Pacing and Daily Pacing columns.

    1. You may need to add these metrics to the table by selecting them from the Columns menu.

Like in the Campaigns app, you can sort the IO table or campaigns table by pacing performance. Click a column’s title once to sort by that metric in ascending order. Click it again to sort by that metric in descending order.

Manage pacing settings

Campaign Pacing, IO Pacing, and Daily Pacing are reporting metrics—not settings. You can, however, respond to pacing performance by allocating budgets and optimizing campaigns.

Manage IO pacing performance

When an IO is pacing behind, you have the opportunity to allocate resources to the right strategies that are pacing as expected.

Choose one of two methods to move budgets between campaigns that are assigned to the same IO:

Shift budgets from the Campaigns app

  1. Open the Campaigns app from the homepage.

  2. Choose an IO, then filter or search your campaigns to locate the one(s) for which you want to manage budgets.

  3. Select the checkbox next to the campaign(s).

  4. Open the Set Budget menu and select Total Budget. This will open the Set Total Budget pop-up window.

  5. Enter the new value in the New Total Budget field.

  6. Select = Set, + Add, or ÷ Split depending on how you’d like to apply the new total budget to the campaign(s).

    1. You must select more than one campaign for the ÷ Split option to appear in the Change Total Budget pop-up window.

  7. Select Set to apply your edits.

Refer to Key terms and concepts: Set, Add, Split for more information on the ways you can apply a total budget to one or more campaigns.

Shift budgets from the Dashboard app

You can change your campaigns’ total budgets from a dashboard. Note that budgets are edible for budget-based campaigns, but not for impression-based ones.

Refer to Manage a campaign’s budget from a dashboard for step-by-step instructions.

Manage campaign pacing performance

When a campaign is pacing behind, you can adjust your campaign settings to get spending back on track. Refer to Troubleshoot a campaign that’s pacing behind for support.

Set a daily budget

You can also set a daily budget to influence how a campaign spends its budget. Daily budgets are distributed evenly throughout the day and include the media costs, data costs, and pre-bid targeting costs associated with the campaign.

Since daily budgets cap the amount that a campaign can spend each day, limit them to campaigns that are pacing on track or pacing ahead.

Choose one of two methods to define a daily budget for an existing campaign:

Set a daily budget from the Campaigns app

Follow these steps to add or change a daily budget from the Campaigns app:

  1. Open the Campaigns app from the homepage.

  2. Choose an IO, then filter or search your campaigns to locate the one(s) for which you want to add a daily budget.

  3. Select the checkbox(es) next to the campaign(s).

  4. Open the Set Budget menu and select Daily Budget. This will open the Set Daily Budget pop-up window.

  5. Enter the desired daily budget in the Daily Budget field.

  6. Select Set to confirm your changes.

Set a daily budget from the Dashboard app

Refer to Manage a campaign’s budget from a dashboard for step-by-step instructions on setting a daily budget from the Dashboard app.

Locate additional pacing resources

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