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What is a Bid Modifier?
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Written by Team IQM
Updated this week

A Bid Modifier provides you with increased control over your bidding strategies. It allows you to tailor bid prices for various targeting dimensions within your campaigns, such as creative (available now), location, device type, or inventory (coming soon).

The Bid Modifier operates by adjusting the base bid price of a campaign for the targeting dimension that is modified. For example, let’s say your campaign has a KPI of video completion rate. Within the campaign, you see that CTV is the

highest-performing device in terms of VCR, while mobile is not performing as well. To optimize the campaign, you want to place a higher value on CTV bid requests.


Bid Modifier






In this case, if the base bid price for the campaign is $5 and a bid request matches the campaign's targeting criteria from a CTV device, the final bid price will be adjusted to 3 times the base bid, resulting in a bid of $15. Similarly, for mobile devices, the bid price will be adjusted to half the bid price, resulting in a bid of $2.50. All other devices, such as the Desktop, will be bid on with the normal base bid price of $5.

For more information on setting bid modifiers, please see How do I Apply a Bid Modifier?


Is Bid Modifier mandatory to add?

No, it's optional. Advertisers have the flexibility to apply or remove Bid Modifiers as needed for their campaigns.

What is the minimum criteria to apply the Bid Modifier to your campaign?

  • The campaign must be at least 3 days long

  • The campaign’s daily budget must be at least $100

  • The base bid price must be defined for the campaign

  • The max bid price must be defined for the campaign

What campaign statuses allow editing of Bid Modifier?

Advertisers can add, change, or remove Bid Modifiers in Draft, Pending, Running, Paused, and Rejected campaign statuses. The campaign will consider the updated bid factor in the bidding process within the next 10 minutes. Bid Modifier cannot be edited in Expired or Deleted campaign statuses.

Which dimensions does Bid Modifier support?

You can currently place a bid modifier on Creatives. It will soon be available for Location (City, State, Zip), Device, and Inventory (Site, App, Deals).

Are there any limitations or requirements for a Bid Modifier?

Yes, advertisers must define a Base Bid Price and a Max Bid Price when applying Bid Modifiers to any dimensions.

What’s the significance of the Max bid price?

The Max Bid Price serves as a cap on the price a campaign can bid after applying the bid modifier rules. For instance, if a bid modifier results in a $15 bid price, but the defined Max Bid is $12, the campaign will bid with only $12, adhering to the maximum limit. However, if the resulting bid price from the bid modifier is $10, then the campaign will bid with $10.

What's the minimum and maximum range of the bid modifier?

The Bid Modifier range must be between 0.1X to 100X.

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