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ABM audience overview
Healthcare advertisers can engage with healthcare professionals at scale by targeting Account Based Marketing (ABM) audiences with personalized ads. These highly specific audiences leverage pre-defined and custom segments based on account-based attributes such as health systems, specialty practices, and NPI reach.
Refer to Account Based Marketing (ABM) audience overview for more information and eligibility requirements, or continue reading to create and manage an ABM audience in the IQM platform.
Create an ABM audience
You can use the Audiences app to create one ABM audience at a time. Follow these steps to create a new ABM audience:
Open the Audiences app from the homepage.
Select Account Based Audience and + Create Audience. This will open the Create Account Based Audience pop-up window.
Enter a name for the audience.
Choose a unique one to differentiate this ABM audience from others that you may create.
If desired, use the dropdown menus available in the Filters panel to view only the segments that feature specific audience characteristics.
Refer to ABM audience filters for each filter’s description and details.
Click Apply to update the table’s list of ABM segments based on the precise audience characteristics that you defined with your audience-filter selections.
Click Reset to clear all previously selected filters.
In the table, select the checkbox next to each segment that you’d like to add to the audience.
Select the topmost checkbox instead if you’d like to add every segment that’s listed in the audience table.
Note that a single audience may contain up to 10,000 segments.
Review a summary of the audience’s details.
Pay special attention to the NPI Reach metric, which estimates the number of healthcare providers that can be reached based on their unique National Provider Identifier (NPI).
If desired, apply changes to the audience by adjusting its filters, and/or selecting or deselecting individual audience segments.
Click Create to create an audience that includes only the segments that you selected.
Your ABM audience will immediately begin processing. We’ll send you an email once it’s ready, and you can monitor its current status by following the steps outlined in Review an ABM audience.
Manage an ABM audience
Use the Account Based Audiences page in the Audiences app to review, search, sort, or filter your existing ABM audiences. You can also use this page to duplicate or delete them.
Review an ABM audience
Follow these steps to access the Account Based Audience page and locate an existing ABM audience:
Select the Audiences app from the homepage.
Click Account Based Audience.
Search or filter the table to locate the audience you’d like to review.
Open the column selector, if desired, to add or remove a table column.
Select the desired audience’s name in the Audience Name column. This will open the Audience Details pop-up window and review that audience’s details.
Once the ABM audience features a Ready status, you can also review its reach and certain insights related to genders, age groups, devices, and geographies.
Refer to the Reach column for each segment’s reach details.
Refer to the Audience Breakdown panel for audience insights.
Select Done to close the Audience Details pop-up window and return to the Account Based Audience page.
Edit an ABM audience
Editing is not currently supported for ABM audiences. Instead, consider duplicating an ABM audience, then updating its segments to reflect your desired changes.
Duplicate an ABM audience
You can duplicate an ABM audience if it features a Ready, Processing, or Failed status.
Follow these steps to duplicate an existing ABM audience:
Use the audience-type panel to either select All or Account Based Audience.
Search or filter the table to locate the audience you’d like to duplicate.
Select the checkbox next to the desired audience.
You can duplicate one ABM audience at a time. Selecting multiple audiences will disable the Duplicate Audience feature.
Click Duplicate Audience. This will open the Create Account Based Audience pop-up window.
Follow steps 3 through 8 of the Create an ABM audience workflow to name the audience and choose which ABM segments it should include.
If no changes are applied, the duplicated audience will include the same segments as the existing audience, and its Audience Name will show “Copy of” followed by the existing audience’s name.
Select Create to save the duplicated audience.
The duplicated audience will appear in the Account Based Audience table in the Audiences app and feature a Processing status.
Delete an ABM audience
Audience deletion notice: Note that deleted audiences are unrecoverable, and this action is permanent. As a safeguard, consider duplicating and updating the desired audience to reflect any desired changes. |
You can delete certain ABM audiences individually or in bulk. Each ABM audience must feature a Ready or Failed status—and must not be assigned to a campaign—to be eligible for deletion.
Follow these steps to delete an ABM audience:
Use the audience-type panel to either select All or Account Based Audience.
Search or filter the table to locate the audience(s) you’d like to delete.
Select the checkbox(es) next to the desired audience(s).
Click Delete. This will open the Delete Audience? pop-up window, where you can review any warnings and confirm your selection.
The deleted audience(s) will no longer appear on the Account Based Audience or All pages of the Audiences app.
Assign an ABM audience to a campaign
Assign ABM audiences to new or existing campaigns in the Audiences app or Campaigns app. A single campaign can target up to 20 ABM audiences.
Add an ABM audience to a new campaign - Audiences app
Follow these steps to assign Processing or Ready ABM audiences to a new campaign in the Audiences app:
Use the audience-type panel to either select All or Account Based Audience.
Search or filter the table to locate the ABM audience(s) you’d like to add to a new campaign.
Select the checkbox(es) next to the desired audience(s).
Click Create Campaign. This will open the Create Campaign pop-up window.
Search or browse and select an insertion order from the Insertion Order field.
Enter the campaign’s name into the Campaign Name field.
Choose a unique one to differentiate this campaign from others that you may create.
Select Create. This will redirect you to the campaign creation page of the Campaigns app.
Locate and expand the Audiences section, where Account Based is pre-selected and the ABM audience(s) that you added are listed.
If desired, open the Select Audiences menu to search and select additional ABM audiences for this campaign to target.
Complete the campaign’s other required and applicable fields, as needed.
Save your changes.
Select Save as Draft to apply your selections in a draft format.
Select Run to apply your selections and create the campaign.
Add an ABM audience to a new campaign - Campaigns app
Follow these steps to assign Processing or Ready ABM audiences to a new campaign in the Campaigns app:
Select the Campaigns app from the homepage.
Choose an insertion order (IO), then filter or search your campaigns to locate the one for which you want to add ABM audiences.
Select + Create Campaign. We’ll redirect you to a landing page for the new campaign, where you can add or update its details and targeting parameters.
Locate and expand the Audiences section.
Select the Account Based audience type.
Open the Select Audiences menu to search and select the ABM audiences that this campaign will target.
Complete the campaign’s other required and applicable fields, as needed.
Save your changes.
Click Save as Draft to apply your selections in a draft format.
Click Run to apply your selections and create the campaign.
Add an ABM audience to an existing campaign - Audiences app
Notice on existing campaigns: You can assign an ABM audience to existing campaigns that are already targeting another ABM audience or aren’t targeting any audiences. Refer to ABM Audience eligibility requirements for more details. |
Follow these steps to assign Processing or Ready ABM audiences to existing campaigns in the Audiences app:
Use the audience-type panel to either select All or Account Based Audience.
Search or filter the table to locate the ABM audience(s) you’d like to add to an existing campaign.
Select the checkbox(es) next to the desired audience(s).
Click Assign To Campaign. This will open the Assign To Campaign pop-up window.
Use the Campaigns field to search or browse and select the existing campaign(s).
Click Update to add the audience(s) to the campaign(s) you selected.
Add an ABM audience to an existing campaign - Campaigns app
Notice on existing campaigns: You can assign an ABM audience to existing campaigns that are already targeting another ABM audience or aren’t targeting any audiences. Refer to ABM Audience eligibility requirements for more details. |
Follow these steps to assign Processing or Ready ABM audiences to an existing in the Campaigns app:
Select the Campaigns app from the homepage.
Choose an insertion order (IO), then filter or search your campaigns to locate the one for which you want to add the ABM audience(s).
Locate the Campaign Name column and click the campaign’s name. We’ll redirect you to a landing page for the campaign, where you can add or update its details and targeting parameters.
Locate and expand the Audiences section.
Select the Account Based audience type.
Open the Select Audiences menu to search and select the ABM audiences that this campaign will target.
Select Save to apply your changes to the existing campaign.
Remove an ABM audience from a campaign
Follow steps 3 through 8 of the Add an ABM audience to an existing campaign - Campaigns app workflow to open the campaign.
Locate and expand the Audiences section.
Select the trashcan icon next to each ABM audience that you’d like to remove from the campaign.
Save your changes.
Select Save as Draft to apply the changes in a draft format.
Select Run to apply the changes and create the campaign.
Select Save if the campaign is already running to apply your changes to the active campaign.
The campaign will no longer target the ABM audience(s) that you removed. Note that the ABM audience(s) will remain available in the Audiences app.
Review data costs
The Data Cost metric represents a campaign’s total spend on targeting and/or blocking data segments. This includes the total amount spent on audience targeting.
You can review a campaign’s data cost in the following ways:
Review a campaign’s data costs from the Dashboard app
Follow the steps outlined in Customize a dashboard table - Add or remove a column to choose which metrics are displayed on your dashboard. Select the Data Cost metric from the Spending category to add it.
Review a campaign’s data costs from the Campaigns app
In the Campaigns app, open the column selector to choose which metrics are displayed in the table. Select the Data Cost metric from the Spending category to add it.
Review a campaign’s data costs from the Reports app
Follow the steps outlined in Generate a report to create a custom report. Select the Data Cost metric from the Spending category to add it to the report.
Locate additional ABM audience resources