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Troubleshoot an Account Based Marketing (ABM) audience

Uncover solutions to issues related to creating a new ABM audience or managing an existing one.

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Written by Team IQM
Updated over a month ago

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ABM audience troubleshooting overview

Certain advertisers can create and target Account Based Marketing (ABM) audiences if their account and campaign meet certain eligibility criteria. They must also follow specific steps to successfully create an audience and assign it to a campaign.

If you encounter an error or are blocked from creating, managing, or targeting an ABM audience, refer to these resources first:

Return to this article to address and resolve other issues that you may encounter related to ABM audiences.

Troubleshoot ABM audience creation or management issues

Unable to duplicate an audience

You can duplicate Ready, Processing, or Failed ABM audiences; however, bulk duplication isn’t currently supported. Ensure that you select only one ABM audience at a time before attempting to duplicate those audiences.

Unable to edit an audience

Editing is not currently supported for ABM audiences. Consider duplicating the audience instead. You’ll have an opportunity to rename the audience, add or remove any audience segments, and save those changes to a new audience.

Unable to change an audience’s name

Editing is not currently supported for ABM audiences, which includes audience names. Consider duplicating the audience instead. You’ll have an opportunity to rename the audience, add or remove any audience segments, and save those changes to a new audience.

Unable to delete an audience

You can delete an audience when the audience isn’t assigned to any campaigns. The audience must be unassigned from all campaigns before you can delete it—and regardless of whether those campaigns are running.

Bulk deletion is supported for ABM audiences, but each selected audience must be unassigned from all campaigns to enable the Delete button.

Unable to locate a deleted audience

Deleted audiences are automatically removed from the Audiences app as soon as you complete this action. For this reason, none of the ABM audiences listed in the Audiences app will feature a Deleted status.

Unable to review audience reach

Audience reach details generate automatically once the audience progresses from a Processing status to a Ready status. This is also when key audience insights become available in the Audience Breakdown panel.

Unable to review Audience Breakdown details

Audience Breakdown insights automatically generate once the audience progresses from a Processing status to a Ready status.

ABM Audience section missing in Campaigns app

ABM audience creation is enabled for healthcare advertisers. Confirm that your account and campaign meet ABM audience eligibility requirements, and contact IQM’s support personnel if you believe that you should have access.

Troubleshoot ABM audience targeting issues

New campaign - Unable to select a PG campaign type

PG campaigns aren’t eligible for ABM audience targeting. When you create a new ABM campaign, the Advanced option is selected by default, and the PG option is disabled.

Existing campaign - Unable to add to a PG campaign

Only Advanced campaigns are eligible for targeting ABM audiences. The Account Based audience field is disabled across all PG campaigns.

Existing campaign - Campaign is missing from list

If you’re attempting to add the ABM audience to an existing campaign, and that campaign isn’t available in the Campaigns list, the campaign isn’t eligible for ABM audience targeting. In most cases, the campaign is already targeting a non-ABM audience. You can add ABM audiences to campaigns that are already targeting other ABM audiences, or that aren’t currently targeting any audience types.

Existing campaign - Unable to add to an Advanced campaign

ABM audiences are supported for Advanced campaigns. If you’re unable to add an ABM audience, the campaign is likely already targeting another audience type. You can target one or more ABM audiences in the same campaign, but no other audience types.

Create a new Advanced campaign to target the desired ABM audience(s).

Add To Campaign button is disabled

The Add To Campaign becomes disabled when the audience(s) you selected are not currently eligible for targeting.

Confirm that each audience you selected features a Ready or Processing status, and is an ABM audience. While a single campaign can target multiple ABM audiences, it can’t target both ABM audiences and other audience types.

Create Campaign button is disabled

The Create Campaign becomes disabled when the audience(s) you selected are not currently eligible for targeting.

Confirm that each audience you selected features a Ready or Processing status, and is an ABM audience. While a single campaign can target multiple ABM audiences, it can’t target both ABM audiences and other audience types.

Unable to add audience to a Blocklist

ABM audience Blocklists aren’t currently supported.

Unable to choose Account Based audience for a campaign

A campaign’s Audiences section will disable the Account Based option when one or more other audience types are already assigned to the campaign. You can add ABM audiences to campaigns that are already targeting other ABM audiences, or that aren’t currently targeting any audience types.

Locate additional ABM audience resources

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