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Planner troubleshooting overview
You’ll need to follow specific steps to successfully create a Planner proposal and generate campaigns from it. If you encounter an error or are blocked from creating or managing Planner proposals and campaigns, refer to these resources first:
Return to this article to address and resolve other factors that may block your ability to create or manage proposals with Planner.
Planner proposal creation troubleshooting
Proposal statuses, warnings, and error messages
Maximum campaign limit exceeded
You’ll receive a “This proposal draft exceeds the maximum limit of 250 campaigns” error when your current proposal-form entries will produce too many campaigns.
You likely used the proposal’s Advanced section to segment your campaigns by individual targeting categories and subcategories. This segmentation allows you to create more precise campaigns, but too many selections can cause you to exceed the maximum campaign limit of 250 campaigns.
Follow these steps to address the issue:
Change your selections in the proposal’s Advanced section to stay within the maximum campaign limit.
Click Refresh in the Proposal Summary panel following each selection to help ensure the campaign splits you choose are the ones that may achieve the most reach.
If you haven’t made selections in the Advanced section but are still exceeding the maximum 250-campaign limit, adjust your proposal’s targeting rules.
Minimum reach hasn’t been met
A proposal’s reach is the estimated number of individual users who will be exposed to your ad at least once during the campaign period. Proposals require a minimum reach of 1,000 users.
You’ll need to adjust your targeting criteria to expand the universe of users that you can reach with your ad. We recommend refreshing the forecasting metrics in the Proposal Summary panel each time you add a targeting parameter to get an idea of its impact on scale.
Refer to the Key terms and concepts section of Planner proposal overview (link) for more information on estimated reach and impressions.
Proposal generation failed
In certain cases, your proposal will fail to generate after you select Generate Proposal. The proposal will remain in Draft status until you successfully generate it.
Follow these steps if your proposal fails to generate:
Confirm that you’ve completed all required fields in the proposal. These fields are marked with an asterisk symbol.
Select Generate Proposal again to rule out a technical error, such as your browser timing out or your device losing internet connection.
Leave the proposal input form page and return to try again:
Click Save As Draft.
Navigate to the IQM homepage and select Planner from the list of available apps.
Select the draft proposal to open it.
Click Generate Proposal.
Contact your IQM account representative if your proposal fails to generate after following these steps.
Something went wrong during proposal generation
In certain cases, you’ll be notified that “something went wrong” after you select Generate Proposal. This notification is likely due to a technical error.
Follow these steps to leave the proposal input form and return to try again:
Click Save As Draft.
Navigate to the IQM homepage and select Planner from the list of available apps.
Select the draft proposal to open it.
Click Generate Proposal.
The proposal will remain in Draft status until you successfully generate it.
Proposal stuck in processing status
When you generate your proposal’s campaigns, we sync them with IQM’s campaign management tools and ensure that all of your targeting rules are applied. This process typically takes approximately one hour to complete.
Contact your IQM account representative if your proposal fails to finish processing after this duration.
Proposal Information section
Unable to select past dates
You can only select future dates because the proposal is forward-looking: you’ll use it to generate a customized media plan tailored to your upcoming campaigns’ objectives and targeting rules.
Visit the Reports app and Insights app to generate and review performance data for past campaigns instead.
Location section
Targetable locations limited to United States country
The proposal will target the United States by default. You can add more granular targeting by selecting options such as State, Congressional District, or ZIP code. Non-US targeting is not currently supported in the Planner app.
Targetable locations limited to “OR” relationship
Planner proposals apply an “OR” relationship to your location targeting selections. This means that your campaign will target a user if they’re located in any of the locations you chose, as long as all other campaign targeting criteria are met.
Audiences section
Certain data providers aren’t clickable
If you’re unable to select certain data providers in the Audiences section, you’ve likely already chosen one. You can only select audience segments from one data provider per proposal.
Click the trash can icon next to each selected segment or select Removal All to choose audience segments from a different data provider.
Certain data segments aren’t clickable
You can choose up to 100 audience segments from the data provider of your choice. If you’ve reached this limit but want to select a different segment, then you’ll first need to click the trashcan icon next to the one(s) you want to remove.
If you haven’t added 100 segments, then refer to Certain data providers aren’t clickable (link) for troubleshooting instructions.
Unable to locate an existing segmented audience
You’ll need to add individual audience segments each time you create a new proposal in the Planner app, regardless of whether you’ve created a segmented audience in a previous proposal or directly in the Audiences app.
However, the new segmented audience will generate automatically when you select Generate Proposal at the end of the proposal creation process. You’ll be able to manage it in the Segmented Audience section of the Audiences app and add it to future campaigns. Easily locate the new audience by referring to the audience’s name, which will feature the proposal ID.
Inventory section
No Inventory Groups are shown
You’ll need to create an inventory group in the Inventory app before you can add it to your proposal. Refer to How to manage inventory groups in the Inventory app for more information, and keep in mind that only the Open Exchange inventory group type is supported in Planner proposals.
Contextual Inventory Groups or PMP Inventory Groups are missing
Only the Open Exchange inventory group type is supported in Planner proposals. Refer to How to manage inventory groups in the Inventory app for more information on creating an Open Exchange inventory group in the Inventory app.
Device section
CTV and/or OTT devices aren’t clickable
You can target CTV and OTT devices if your Creative Type is video. Locate the Creatives section, select Video, and click the TV Ad Buying toggle switch to enable the CTV and OTT device options.
Proposal Summary panel
Creative formats, devices, or channels are missing
The estimated forecasts in the Proposal Summary panel relate directly to the targeting rules you applied to the proposal. For example, if you select Image and HTML in the Creatives section, the Bid Landscape graph will display max bids and impressions for those two creative formats.
Update your entries throughout the proposal to review forecasting metrics for another creative format, device, or channel, if desired.
Follow these steps if you selected a creative format, device, or channel and it isn’t reflected in the Proposal Summary panel:
Click Refresh at the top of the Proposal Summary panel.
Check that the Open Exchange inventory or Inventory Groups you’ve selected in the proposal’s Inventory section include those formats.
Proposals page
Actions column - Unable to download a proposal
You can download proposals that feature a Draft, Ready, Converted, or Expired status. Refer to Proposal statuses for more information.
Unable to edit, duplicate, download, or delete a proposal
Note that a proposal must feature:
A Draft, Ready, Failed, or Expired status to be eligible for editing.
A Draft, Ready, Failed, Converted, or Expired status to be eligible for duplicating.
A Draft, Ready, Converted, or Expired status to be eligible for downloading.
A Draft, Ready, Failed, or Expired status to be eligible for deleting.
If the proposal you’d like to manage meets the status criteria, but you’re still unable to make your desired changes, check that you haven’t selected multiple proposal checkboxes. You can edit, duplicate, or download only one proposal at a time; or delete multiple at a time.
Refer to Proposal statuses for more information.
Planner campaign generation troubleshooting
Proposal Information section
Proposal’s time zone is locked
Date ranges use the same time zone as the location where the proposal was initially created. While you can’t edit this setting, you can edit start and end dates in a proposal draft or in the Campaigns section of a generated proposal.
Campaigns section
Campaign generation failed
In certain cases, a campaign may fail to generate after you select Generate Campaigns. This error is typically related to a technical issue. For example, your IQM login or device’s browser may have timed out.
Refresh your browser and select Generate Campaigns again, and contact your IQM representative if the issue persists.
Unable to choose which campaigns to generate
We’ll generate all of your proposal’s campaigns when you select Generate Campaigns. To limit the campaigns we generate, you can select the checkbox next to any campaign you’d like to exclude, then click Delete to remove it from the Campaigns table. Note that deleted campaigns are unrecoverable, and this action is permanent.
Locate additional Planner resources