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How can I create a Geofarmed audience?
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Written by Team IQM
Updated over 2 years ago

Create a Geo-Farmed Audience

Step 1: Click on Create Audience

  • Go to the Audience app from the top right corner of the platform

  • Click on “Create Audience” Under “All” or Click on Geo-Farmed Audience → Create Audience

  • If you have selected “Create Audience” under “All”, you will be asked to select the type of audience you want to create. Select “Geo-Farmed” audience in that option..

Step 2 - Define the geographical area

There are multiple ways you can define the geographical area.

Option 1 - Search by Address.

You can enter an address into the search bar and mention an address

Option 2 - Create a virtual boundary on the map directly in the shape of a circle, square, or any polygon.

Option 3 - Upload many locations together by just their latitude, longitude, and radius using a CSV file. The sample CSV file is available on the platform and can be downloaded here.

Option 4 - Upload many locations together by their addresses using a CSV file. The sample CSV file is available on the platform as well as can be downloaded here.

Option 5 - Upload many locations together by their polygons using a KMZ or KML file. The sample file is available on the platform as well as can be downloaded here.

Please note that the selected Geographical area will be available on the right hand side for your reference. You can include, exclude or remove an area from that list.

Step 3 - Provide more information for this audience

In this step, you can add the audience name, timezone, start date, end date, and time to capture the users.

Please note that the end date is optional. In this case, we’ll keep populating more users in this audience as they keep visiting the defined area mentioned in step 2.

Step 4 - Advance Section

In the Advanced section, you can define the frequency of the visit. You can mention how many times a person should visit the defined geographical area per weekly, monthly, or total duration to quality and capture as an audience.

Step 5 - Create an Audience

Once you click on the Create Audience, it will take you to the audience table where you can see all geo-farmed audiences along with their audience id, audience name, audience creation date, collection period, cost of the audience, # of uniques in this audience, status of the audience, and in how many campaigns this audience is included or excluded.

Details of the audience table

  • Id - It shows the unique id generated for your audience. It’s auto-generated and cannot be modified.

  • Audience Name - Name of the audience that you provided

  • Created - Audience Creation Date

  • Data Collection Period - Duration for which the audience will be generated

  • Cost - the cost of the audience when you run a campaign using this audience. This cost is always in eCPM.

  • Uniques - This count represents the # of people captured in that audience. If you’re still in the collection period, you will see that the count is increased each time you visit this page.

  • Audience Statuses - @Bharat/@bhaumik - Please update.

  • Include/Exclude - in how many campaigns is this audience included or excluded.

Edit a Geo-Farmed Audience

Once a Geo-Farmed audience has been created, you can edit that audience by selecting the audience and clicking “Edit Audience.”

Delete a Geo-Farmed Audience

Once a Geo-Farmed audience has been created, you can delete that audience by selecting the audience and clicking “Delete.”

Duplicate a Geo-Farmed Audience

Once a Geo-Farmed audience has been created, you can create a duplicate audience by selecting the audience and clicking on “Duplicate.”

Please note that when you create a duplicate audience, you will get a choice to add, edit, or delete the existing audience parameters.

Select a Geo-Farmed audience for a campaign

Option 1

Once a Geo-Farmed audience has been created, you can add them to a campaign by selecting that audience and clicking on “Add to Campaign.”

Once you click on “Add to Campaign,” you will get an option to choose the campaigns as well as an option to include or exclude specific campaigns.

Option 2

When you create or edit a campaign, you can select the newly created geo-farmed audience in the campaign app as well.

In this screen as well, you have the option to include or exclude the audience.

Create a campaign directly from the Geo-Farmed audience

Once a Geo-Farmed audience has been created, you can add them to a campaign by selecting that audience and clicking “Add to Campaign.”

In this case, you will be redirected to the campaign app → New Campaign screen with geo-farmed audience selected.

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