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PLD troubleshooting overview
Certain advertisers can create Practitioner Level Data (PLD) Insights reports if their account and campaign met certain eligibility requirements. They must also follow specific steps to successfully generate a report.
If you encounter an error or are blocked from creating or managing a PLD report, refer to these resources first:
Return to this article to address and resolve other factors that may block your ability to create or manage a PLD report.
PLD report creation troubleshooting
Cannot locate Insights app on homepage
Your IQM homepage includes all apps that your workspace administrator has enabled you to access. Contact yours to request the appropriate permissions to access the Insights app.
Insufficient funds
Add funds in the Organization app or contact your organization administrator to complete this process. |
The workflow to generate a PLD report ends with a Generate button that you can use to create your report. If your account’s available balance is less than the price of the PLD report, this button will prompt you to add funds to your account instead.
You can also add funds from the Dashboard app. Refer to the steps outlined in Adding Funds for further details.
Campaign is missing from list
A campaign is typically excluded due to its eligibility or status.
Confirm that the campaign meets all eligibility criteria:
If you’re in the Insights app, the Campaign field in the Generate Practitioner Level Data pop-up window only includes campaigns that are eligible for PLD report creation. If you’re in the Campaigns or Dashboard apps, the option to generate a PLD report is only available for eligible campaigns.
Refer to Practitioner Level Data (PLD) Insights report overview for more information on the factors that make you and your campaign eligible for PLD Insights.
Check the campaign’s current status:
You can generate PLD Insights reports for eligible campaigns that feature a Pending, Running, or Expired status.
If you’re generating a PLD report from the Insights app, you’re first prompted to select the campaign’s current status from the Campaign Status dropdown menu. This selection narrows the available Campaign field options to those with that status. For example, if you choose Expired, we’ll only make eligible campaigns with an Expired status searchable in the Campaign field.
To help reduce errors next time, consider generating a PLD report from the Campaigns or Dashboards apps. Unlike PLD report generation in the Insights app, these two workflows will pre-populate the Campaign Status, Campaign, and Date Range fields during step.
Refer to Generate or manage a Practitioner Level Data (PLD) Insights report for more information on how to generate a PLD report from the Campaigns or Dashboard apps.
Cannot generate a report
You may encounter a warning message or another issue that blocks you from generating PLD data from a particular campaign and across a particular date range. We build in certain blocks to help avoid charging you for highly similar datasets more than once, or generating reports inaccurately.
These blocks typically occur for one of the following reasons:
You can generate one PLD report at a time for each campaign.
You can generate another PLD report once your in-progress report displays a Ready status on the Practitioner Level Data page. Refer to Generate or manage a Practitioner Level Data (PLD) report to learn how to access this page.
You can generate one PLD report total when you choose the same report dates for the same campaign.
The Generate option will not be available in the Generate Practitioner Level Data widget. Instead, you can review the PLD report that you already generated for this campaign and date range.
There may be certain cases where you’ve previously generated PLD reports, but your access is now revoked. For example, your signed MSA for PLD Insights reporting may have expired. You won’t be able to generate new insights, but you can continue to access reports you’ve already generated for one year after their creation date.
Date Range field is disabled
We’ll enable the Date Range field after you use the Campaigns field to search and select the campaign for which you want to generate insights.
Cannot select my preferred date range
A PLD Insights report’s dates must meet these criteria:
You can select date ranges of up to 90 days.
The dates you select must have taken place during the campaign’s date range, and it must have served impressions on each of those dates.
Consider generating multiple PLD Insights reports for the same campaign if its duration exceeds 90 days.
PLD report results troubleshooting
Cannot delete a report
We limit the ability to delete PLD Insights reports to help avoid accidental deletions of paid insights.
The Practitioner Level Data page of the Insights app displays each of your PLD reports and their statuses: Ready, Processing, and Failed. You can delete any Failed PLD reports either individually or in bulk.
Cannot email a report
The email feature is disabled for one of the following reasons:
The report’s status is Processing or Failed.
The Practitioner Level Data page of the Insights app displays each of your PLD reports and their statuses: Ready, Processing, and Failed. You can email any Ready PLD reports.
The report’s size is too large.
You can email a report when its file size is less than 25 MB. This limitation is to comply with the file-size restrictions of most email inboxes. You can Download a PLD report of any size.
Cannot locate a generated report
Unlike with campaigns and other IQM platform workflows, you weren't prompted to name your report during the PLD report setup process. Instead, your PLD report’s name begins with the campaign ID or insertion order (IO) ID, followed by “_PLD_Insights.” We’ll add a number to the end of the report’s name each time you generate one for the same campaign or IO.
Use the search field on the Practitioner Level Data Insight page of the Insights app to enter your campaign ID or IO ID and locate your generated PLD report.