On this page:
PLD overview
Practitioner Level Data (PLD) Insights are on-demand reports that include key details about healthcare professionals that you targeted in current and prior campaigns. Uncover ad-exposure and engagement data, demographic data, and physician-specialty data for your healthcare audiences. With these insights, you can compliantly assess your campaign’s targeting strategy while upholding stringent healthcare data-privacy regulations.
You can generate a PLD report if your campaigns and account meet certain criteria. Refer to Practitioner Level Data (PLD) Insights report overview for more information on eligibility requirements, metrics, and costs.
Generate a PLD report
You can generate a PLD report in the following ways:
Generate a PLD report from the Insights app
Follow these steps to access the + Generate New workflow:
Select the Insights app from the homepage.
Select Practitioner Level Data.
Click + Generate New. This will open the Generate Practitioner Level Data pop-up window.
Choose whether the campaign is Running, Paused, or Expired from the Campaign Status dropdown menu.
Search and select the campaign for which you want to generate insights.
Search for the campaign name or ID, or the insertion order (IO) name or ID.
A campaign or IO is searchable from the Campaign field when two criteria are met: it’s eligible for PLD report generation, and its status matches the Campaign Status you chose in step 4.
If none of your campaigns are eligible, then no campaigns will be available in the Campaign field.
Select a timeframe of up to 90 days from the Date Range field and click Apply.
The last 7 days of the campaign, up through two days ago, will be selected by default.
Confirm that the campaign was active during each of the dates in your chosen range. Note that date range uses the campaign’s time zone.
Click Next.
Review your campaign selection, and a summary of the PLD report’s chargeable impressions and the associated cost.
We calculate the PLD Insights Cost based on the number of impressions that your campaign or IO delivered during the specified date range at a CPM rate.
Select previous to change the report’s Campaign Status, Campaign, or Date Range fields, if necessary.
Click Generate to create the PLD report.
The PLD Insights Cost will be deducted from your account’s available balance as soon as the report generates.
Once generated, you can find the PLD Insights on the Insights app’s Practitioner Level Data page. Review Manage a PLD report for details on how to review, download, or delete a report.
Generate a PLD report from the Campaigns app
Follow these steps to access the Generate PLD Insights action from the Campaigns app:
Select the Campaigns app from the homepage.
Choose the insertion order (IO), then filter or search your campaigns to locate the one for which you want to generate insights.
Select the checkbox next to the campaign.
You can generate PLD Insights for one campaign at a time.
Click Generate PLD Insights from the More dropdown menu.
You can only select Generate PLD Insights if you and the campaign are eligible for PLD reporting.
We'll redirect you to the Practitioner Level Data page of the Insights app, and auto-populate the campaign or IO’s name and date range.
Follow steps 6 through 10 of the Generate a PLD report from the Insights app section of this article to complete the workflow.
Generate a PLD report from the Dashboard app
Follow these steps to access the Generate VLD Insights action from the Dashboard app:
Select the Dashboard app from the homepage.
Filter or search your campaigns to locate the one for which you want to generate insights.
Click the checkbox next to the campaign.
Select Generate PLD Insights from the More dropdown menu.
You can only select Generate PLD Insights if you and the campaign or IO are eligible for PLD reporting.
We'll redirect you to the Practitioner Level Data page of the Insights app, and auto-populate the campaign or IO’s name and date range.
Follow steps 6 through 10 of the Generate a PLD report from the Insights app section of this article to complete the workflow.
Manage a PLD report
You can access generated reports for one year after their creation date.
The Practitioner Level Data page displays each of your PLD reports and their statuses: Ready, Processing, and Failed. You can use the Actions column to download or email a PLD report to your device or send it as an email attachment once it’s Ready.
Download a PLD report
Follow these steps to download a PLD report:
Filter or search your PLD reports to locate the one you want to download.
Open the Download dropdown menu in the Actions column.
Click Download as CSV or Download as XLSX, depending on your preference.
You’ll receive your insights as a single CSV or XLSX file if the spreadsheet contains 100K or less rows. Otherwise, you’ll receive them as a ZIP file containing multiple files. For example, if the report contains a total of 150K rows and you choose to download the insights as an XLSX file, then your download will include one ZIP file containing two XLSX files: one with 100K, and one with 50K rows.
Email a PLD report
Email notice: The email feature is disabled for certain reports if their file size is greater than 25 MB. This limitation is to comply with the file-size restrictions of most email inboxes. You can Download a PLD report of any size. |
Follow these steps to email a PLD report:
Filter or search your PLD reports to locate the one you want to email.
Select the envelope icon from the Actions column.
Click Email as CSV or Email as XLSX, depending on your preference. An Email Practitioner Level Data pop-up window will appear.
Add up to 15 email aliases to the Email ID field, separated by commas.
Select Send Email.
Delete a PLD report
We limit the ability to delete most PLD reports to help avoid accidental deletions of paid insights. You can, however, delete Failed PLD reports.
Follow these steps to delete a Failed PLD report from the Practitioner Level Data page:
Select the checkboxes next to each Failed report you want to delete.
Click Delete.
Review past PLD report spend
You can review past PLD report spend in the following ways:
Review past PLD report spend from the Dashboard app
Follow these steps to review the total amount spent on PLD report generation from the Dashboard app:
Select the Dashboard app from the homepage.
Open the View By dropdown menu and click Campaigns, Insertion Orders, or Advertiser, depending on your preference.
Workspace admins also have the option to select Workspace from the View By dropdown menu.
Select PLD Insights Cost from the Columns dropdown menu.
The PLD Insights Cost column will populate in the table.
Workspace admins also have the option to select Workspace PLD Insights Earnings from the Columns dropdown menu.
Adjust the dashboard’s Time Zone and Date Range details to view the amount spent on PLD report generation within a specific timeframe, if desired.
Review past PLD report spend from the Reports app
Follow these steps to review the total amount spent on PLD report generation from the Reports app:
Select the Reports app from the homepage.
Click + Create Report. This will open the Create New Report page.
Locate and expand the Spending category.
Drag the PLD Insights Cost metric into the Columns field.
Complete other required or optional fields, as needed.
Select Execute Report.
Click Save Report.
Workspace admins also have the option to add the Workspace PLD Insights Earnings metric under the Earnings category to a report.
Refer to Generate, manage, or send a report (Link) for additional support related to creating a new report.
Locate additional PLD Insights report resources