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Generate and interpret a Campaign Bidding Insights report
Generate and interpret a Campaign Bidding Insights report

Create a Campaign Bidding Insights report, understand the data you generated, and use those learnings to optimize your campaign.

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Written by Team IQM
Updated over 4 months ago

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Campaign Bidding Insights report overview

The Campaign Bidding Insights report captures each time that a campaign was rejected, then segments those occurrences into specific rejection reasons. You can use this data to assess which targeting parameters are limiting a campaign’s number of bid requests, then apply strategic optimizations to increase scale.

You can generate Campaign Bidding Insights for campaigns that meet certain eligibility criteria. Refer to Campaign Bidding Insights report overview for more information.

Generate a Campaign Bidding Insights report

You can generate Campaign Bidding Insights for one campaign at a time, and in the following ways:

Generate a report from the Insights app

Follow these steps to review Campaign Bidding Insights from the Insights app:

  1. Select the Insights app from the homepage.

  2. Click Campaign Bidding Insights.

  3. Choose whether the campaign is Running, Paused, or Expired from the Campaign Status dropdown menu.

  4. Search and select the campaign for which you want to generate insights.

    1. Search for the campaign’s name or ID, or the insertion order’s (IO) name or ID.

    2. A campaign or IO is searchable from the Campaign field when two criteria are met: it’s eligible for Campaign Bidding Insights report generation, and its status matches the Campaign Status you chose in step 3.

  5. Select a timeframe from the Calendar field.

    1. Choose a time frame ranging from the past one hour up to the past two weeks.

    2. The Calendar field uses the same time zone as the location where the campaign was created.

Campaign Bidding Insights will generate automatically once you complete the Campaign Status, Campaign, and Calendar fields.

Generate a report from the Campaigns app

Follow these steps to review Campaign Bidding Insights from the Campaigns app:

  1. Select the Campaigns app from the homepage.

  2. Choose an insertion order (IO), then filter or search your campaigns to locate the one for which you want to generate insights.

  3. Select the checkbox next to the campaign.

  4. Click View Bidding Insights from the More dropdown menu.

    1. If the View Bidding Insights option is disabled, make sure you’ve selected only one campaign and that it’s eligible for Campaign Bidding Insights reporting.

  5. We’ll redirect you to the Campaign Bidding Insights page of the Insights app, and auto-populate the Campaign Status and Campaign fields.

  6. Select a timeframe from the Calendar field.

    1. Choose a time frame ranging from the past one hour up to the past two weeks.

    2. The Calendar field uses the same time zone as the location where the campaign was created.

Campaign Bidding Insights will generate automatically once you complete the Campaign Status, Campaign, and Calendar fields.

Generate a report from the Dashboard app

Follow these steps to review Campaign Bidding Insights from the Dashboard app:

  1. Select the Dashboard app from the homepage.

  2. Filter or search your campaigns to locate the one for which you want to generate insights.

  3. Click the checkbox next to the campaign.

  4. Select View Bidding Insights from the More dropdown menu.

    1. If the View Bidding Insights option is disabled, make sure you’ve selected only one campaign and that it’s eligible for Campaign Bidding Insights reporting.

  5. We’ll redirect you to the Campaign Bidding Insights page of the Insights app, and auto-populate the Campaign Status and Campaign fields.

  6. Select a timeframe from the Calendar field.

    1. Choose a time frame ranging from the past one hour up to the past two weeks.

    2. The Calendar field uses the same time zone as the location where the campaign was created.

Campaign Bidding Insights will generate automatically once you complete the Campaign Status, Campaign, and Calendar fields.

Interpret Campaign Bidding Insights

Campaign drop-off reason considerations

When bid requests pass through the IQM platform, it assesses which campaigns should proceed to auction. This decision is based on whether the campaign’s targeting criteria and other details match the bid request.

A bid request passes through 11 categories, or Campaign drop-off reasons, before we can match it to your campaign and allow it to place a bid in the programmatic auction. Refer to Bid rejection reasons for a list of these 11 categories and the subcategories that are associated with them.

The Campaign Bidding Insights page lists all 11 categories, regardless of whether they contributed to bid drop-offs. The values listed for each category will differ based on actual performance. For example, if the campaign doesn’t have any device targeting rules applied to it, the Device Targeting campaign drop-off reason will continue to appear in the Campaign Bidding Insights. We’ll display 0 to let you know that it didn’t impact the campaign’s number of bid requests.

Refer to the listed percentage and Rejected figures to determine a particular category’s impact on rejections.

The drop-off funnel also lists the 11 rejection categories in the same order each time, regardless of how many rejections occurred in each category. Refer to the Top Rejection Reasons and Top Rejection Sub Reasons sections for an ordered list that’s sorted by bid request drop-off counts. Click any reason or sub reason to view the Campaign Bidding Insights associated with it.

Numbers and percentages

The charts and figures included in the Campaign Bidding Insights report represent:

  • how a particular targeting parameter caused bid requests to drop off for a campaign

  • how many bid requests remained and passed through each subsequent stage

Refer to the example below for a walkthrough of a generated Campaign Bidding Insights report.

Campaign drop-off notice: The drop-off counts listed in this example are for illustrative purposes only. Drop-offs vary based on an individual campaign’s targeting rules, the current bid stream environment, and the selected timeframe for the insights. Refer to your specific campaign’s Campaign Bidding Insights for details on each targeting parameter’s impact on it.


  1. The campaign saw 1B available bid requests before any targeting parameters caused bid rejections.

  2. Campaign Settings caused the bidder to reject about 980M requests, meaning the campaign didn’t bid on them in the programmatic auction.

  3. In particular, the Schedule you defined to determine which time and day your ads will display caused bids to drop off.

  4. The 980M rejected requests represent about 98% of the total available bid requests at this stage of the funnel (98% of 1B = 980M).

  5. 2% of the 1B available bid requests remained, and passed to the next stage.

  6. The campaign was left with 20M available bid requests.

  7. IO Budget caused the bidder to reject about 2M requests.

  8. The 2M requests represent about 10% of the total available bid requests at this stage of the funnel (10% of 20M = 2M).

  9. 90% of the remaining 20M bid requests remained, and passed to the next stage.

  10. The campaign was left with 18M available bid requests.

  11. Inventory Targeting caused the bidder to reject about 14.4M of these requests.

  12. The 14.4M requests represent about 80.50% of this funnel stage’s ~18M available bid requests (80.50% of 18M = 14.4M).

  13. 19.50% of the remaining 18M bid requests remained, and passed to the next stage.

  14. The campaign was left with 3.6M available bid requests.

This Campaign Bidding Insights report continued on to list each of the remaining Campaign drop-off reasons categories in order, along with any applicable Sub Reasons, drop-off counts, numbers, and percentages.

  1. Following the complete list of rejection categories and their corresponding figures, you’re left with Successful Bids toward the bottom of the funnel.

  2. In this campaign and during the selected timeframe, 1.58K bids were placed in programmatic auctions.

  3. 1.26K bids lost in the auctions.

  4. The 1.26K lost bids represent about 80% of the total 1.58K bids that were placed.

  5. 350 placed bids won at auction.

  6. The 350 placed bids represent about 20% of the total 1.58K bids that were placed.

Apply Campaign Bidding Insights to a campaign

Editable campaign notice: Campaigns featuring a Running or Paused status can be edited from the Campaign Bidding Insights page.

Select Edit at the top of the report. We’ll redirect you to the campaign’s details in the Campaigns app, where you can apply and save changes.

We recommend adjusting the campaign’s targeting rules based on the order they appear in the Top Rejection Reasons and Top Rejection Sub Reasons sections. Approach these lists with a waterfall method: if the factor causing the highest drop-off counts must remain unchanged, then move onto the next and determine what changes, if any, you should apply to the campaign.

Return to the Campaign Bidding Insights page and generate another report to assess the impact of your changes on bid requests. Campaign Bidding Insights data refreshes on an hourly basis.

Locate additional Campaign Bidding Insights resources

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