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Choose the target location for your campaign
Choose the target location for your campaign
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Written by Team IQM
Updated over a year ago

What is Location Targeting

Location targeting is the ability to target your campaigns to a specific geographic location. This includes targeting at the country, state, city, county, DMA, congressional district or zip code level, as well as custom areas and addresses.

How to Add Location Location Targeting

First, to find the location panel go to the campaign app and select the desired insertion order. From there, select your campaign.

Scroll down to Campaign Locations and click to open the menu. You will now see the following targeting options:

  • Location

  • Custom Area

  • Zip Code

The remainder of this article will go through each of the three types of targeting above and how to leverage them for your campaign.

Location targeting - This tab covers location search from the below area types

  • State

  • DMA

  • County

  • City

  • Congressional District

  • State Senate

  • State House

How to set Location Targeting

Type the location you are looking for into the Search Locations bar. As you type, a pulldown menu will appear and show suggested matching locations categorized by type.

The X icon will clear the search and available data will disappear.

Your search result will be partitioned into two parts:

  • Left panel - -Results categorized by State, City, DMA etc. . Every value will have Checkbox inline to select / deselect the value.

  • Right panel- All possible location type filters (city, state, DMA, etc) available

Selecting a location type filter on the right panel will narrow the results in the left panel to the selected area type only.

Each area type in the left panel will show the first 5 results. If there are more results, a “Show All” button will appear. Click to expand the list.

Restriction - If a user selects a state and later tries to select a city within the same state, the following alert message will appear: “This city is already covered under targeted state”

After selecting locations, the list of targeted locations will appear on the right side of the screen. A location can be excluded by toggling the green button to red, or deleted by clicking the trash can icon. Locations are also highlighted within the map in the main panel.

How to Set Custom Areas

Custom areas can be managed by either drawing them on the map, or via file upload.

Draw Custom Area:

You can choose to draw with the circle, rectangle, or polygon tool on the map. . Choosing a circle allows you to include a radius (default radius set at 0.5 mile).

Upload Location File:

If you have a location file, you can upload it directly into the platform. Locations with latitude and longitude or postal addresses can be uploaded as a CSV file. Files containing polygons can be uploaded as a KML or KMZ file..

  • Location files containing latitude and longitude have a maximum of 500K records.

  • Location files containing postal address have a maximum of 1K records.

  • KML or KMZ files (polygons) have a maximum of 1K records.

How to Set Zip Code Targeting

There are two ways to set zip code targeting - by manually typing zip codes or uploading a CSV file containing zip codes. If uploading a zip code CSV file, zip codes will be shown in the right panel under Zip Codes. Each zip code will have a toggle button to either include or exclude it from targeting.

Zip code files have a maximum of 1K records.

Selecting a zip code in the right panel will cause the map to zoom in on the selected zip code.

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