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AdChoices and interest-based advertising frequently asked questions (FAQ)
AdChoices and interest-based advertising frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Learn how interest-based advertising works, what opting out means, and how to opt out.

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Written by Team IQM
Updated over a month ago

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What is interest-based advertising?

Advertising supports the free internet. It's the primary way that most website and app publishers make money in order to produce the content consumers want. Not all advertising shown to consumers is relevant to their interests, though. Interest-based advertising is advertising that tries to make the ads you see more interesting and relevant to you based on the types of sites you visit online and other information that does not personally identify you. We conduct interest-based advertising on our website, and work with our clients to help them do the same on their websites and apps.

IQM is a member of the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) and adheres to the DAA principles. For more information about the data we collect and how we use it, please refer to the IQM privacy policy.

For compliance with the EU-US and Swiss-US regulations, IQM is an active participant in the Privacy Shield Framework.

What are the benefits of relevant advertising?

Without interested-based advertising, you'll still see ads, but those ads likely won't have anything to do with products or services you care about. With interest-based advertising, you receive ads and offers that are more likely to be useful to you.

There's also a second benefit to you: companies that create websites and apps rely on the revenue from interest-based advertising to support the rich array of content they produce. Without that revenue, the content would either be unavailable or consumers would have to pay for it.

What is AdChoices?

AdChoices gives you control over how information about your interests is used for relevant advertising. This information is based on your online browsing activity across sites and apps on a particular device or browser, and does not personally identify you.

What does it mean to opt out of interest-based advertising?

In general, “opting out” means that you want to limit the information we collect and store about your computer or device, and to not target ads that are based on your interests to your browser or device. Your opt-out is only applicable to our platform and does not opt you out from platforms provided by third-party companies. However, you can out from both our platform and many third-party companies at once; to do so, refer to How can users opt out of interest-based advertising?

If you use multiple browsers, computers or mobile devices, and wish to limit the information IQM collects and stores or do not wish to receive IQM interest-based advertising on any of them, you must opt out from each browser, computer, and mobile device individually. Please note that if cookies are not enabled in your browser, or if you use certain ad-blocking tools, our opt-out mechanism may not work properly. Please also note that deleting your cookies does not opt you out.

Users who opt out of interest-based targeting will continue to encounter ads. However, the ads delivered by the companies that you've opted out from will not be as relevant to you.

How can users opt out of interest-based advertising?

Opt-out preferences notice: Note that you'll need to renew your opt-out preferences each time you clear your cookies or use a different browser or device.

Opt out on your current browser

Review and manage your browser's opt-out status on the Status Check page. Select a checkbox next to a company in the Opt Out? column to disable interest-based targeting from ads served by that company.

When you opt out, we record the opt-out on our servers and in browser environments. We'll attempt to place an HTTP opt-out cookie onto your browser or device. QM will collect and store information from your browser or device only as needed to honor your opt-out preferences, and for limited research and development purposes to improve our browser- and device-recognition technology, which also helps to improve our ability to honor your opt-out. When you opt out, IQM also stops targeting interest-based advertising to that browser.

Opt out on mobile app environments

You may opt out in mobile app environments using the “AppChoices” mobile application, which you can download to your mobile device from your App Store or via the Digital Advertising Alliance AppChoices page.

When you opt out, IQM will collect and store information from your device only as needed to honor your opt-out and for limited research and development purposes to improve our device-recognition technology, which also helps to improve our ability to honor your opt-out. When you opt out, IQM also stops serving interest-based advertising in mobile apps on that device.

You may also limit ad tracking in mobile app environments on your device. For the most effective and up-to-date methods for doing so, you should consult instructions provided by those device manufacturers. We offer the following information solely for informational purposes, and we cannot guarantee that the methods below are the most current:

What resources can I review to learn more about interest-based advertising and opting out?

You may learn more about interest-based advertising and opt out of interest-based advertising from IQM and other online advertising companies that are also members of applicable self-regulatory organizations by visiting their opt-out links:

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