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Troubleshoot a report

Uncover solutions to custom report issues related to creating a new report or managing an existing one.

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Written by Team IQM
Updated over 2 months ago

On this page:

Report troubleshooting overview

You’ll need to follow specific steps to successfully create and manage a report. If you encounter an error or are blocked from completing certain actions, refer to these resources first:

Return to this article to address and resolve other factors that may block your ability to create or manage reports in the Reports app.

Report creation troubleshooting

Create Report option is missing

You must run a campaign to enable the + Create Report button in the Reports app.

No reports are listed

You must generate a report for it to appear on the Report page of the Reports app. Refer to Generate, manage, or send a report for further instructions.

Unable to add more dimensions (rows)

You can add up to five dimensions per report. Certain dimension combinations, however, count as a single dimension.


Count toward dimension limit

Campaign and/or

Campaign ID and/or

Campaign Start Date and/or

Campaign End Date

Any combination counts as only one dimension toward the dimension limit

Insertion Order and/or

Insertion Order ID and/or

Insertion Order Start Date and/or

Insertion Order End Date

Any combination counts as only one dimension toward the dimension limit

Unable to locate a dimension or metric

Refer to Reports overview to review which dimension and metric you can expect to find in each dimension or metric category.

Follow these steps if the dimension or metric is listed and you are still unable to locate a dimension or metric:

  • If you are entering a full metric name, try its abbreviation instead.

  • Note that each metric in the Budget category will only appear after certain dimensions are added to the report. Refer to the table below for more details on these conditional fields.

Budget Metric


Daily Budget

One or more of the following dimensions must be added to the Rows field:


Campaign ID


Customer ID

Total Budget

One or more of the following dimensions must be added to the Rows field:


Campaign ID


Customer ID

Max Bid

One or more of the following dimensions must be added to the Rows field:


Campaign ID

Daily Budget Completion

One or more of the following dimensions must be added to the Rows field:


Campaign ID

Unable to aggregate by a certain category

You can aggregate the report’s data by the first dimension listed in the report’s Rows field. Drag a different dimension to the top of this section to aggregate the data by that category.

Keep in mind that data can be aggregated by dimensions (rows) and not by metrics (columns).

Report email scheduling troubleshooting

Dates missing from monthly schedule

Certain dates (1, 29, 30, 31) are captured by the First Day of the Month and Last Day of the Month delivery frequency selections. These categories are to account for months of varying lengths and help ensure that the report is still sent on a monthly basis.

Send button is disabled

You must complete each field in the Schedule Email Delivery pop-up window to send the report to the recipients you specified.

If you completed all fields but the button is still disabled, you likely only added one email alias. You’ll need to click anywhere within the Schedule Email Delivery window, and outside of the Recipient Email Addresses field, for it to register. This will enable the Send button automatically.

Locate additional reporting resources

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