Generate a report.
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Written by Team IQM
Updated over a week ago

Creating a new report

1. Open the Reports screen.

2. First time users - In case you are yet to create any campaign and directly attempting to create a report. , system will take you to a blank screen with having campaign creation CTA available

3. Create campaign will take user to campaign app from where you can create a campaign

4. Users already having campaigns can click on Create Report

5. Select + Create Report.

6. Select the time zone and a suitable name that to display in the report. Default date range is last three months, you can change it as per your need. However below criteria are to be considered

  • It should not allow user to select any date beyond 3 years in the past.

  • It should not allow user to select range of date not more than a year as timespan.

7. Select the Dimensions you want to display from the left panel. You can choose up to 5 dimensions to display per report. A full list of dimensions can be found in the table below.

7.1 Default metrics are available , but there are certain metrics which are only available

based on the dimensions they are dependent on .

All the supported report dimensions and metrics are available here.

8. You can aggregate your report data by the first dimension group chosen. Once you’ve chosen your first dimension group, an Aggregate option will appear below. Select the slider button to aggregate your report data using this dimension group.

9. Give your new report a name.

10.Click Execute report.

11. Click Save Report.

12. You can schedule a report delivery to the customers you want to share with.

13. Report will be saved and will take you to the landing page having list of all the reports created.

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