How to add Lookalike audience
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Written by Team IQM
Updated over a week ago
  1. Open the Audience app

  2. On the left panel, you can choose a Lookalike Audience, while on the right panel, there will be a link along with some informational sections specifically for first-time customers.

  3. Select Create Audience.

  4. Enter the audience name.

  5. Select Matched Audience from dropdown.

  6. After selecting, the grid below will display the matched audience along with its match rate and uniques.

  7. Select Next.

  8. Select audience size & similarities field.

  9. Select a value from scale for audience size and similarity

  10. Select state.

  11. Select cities & countries.

  12. Select political information.

  13. Select Create.

  14. After the creation of the Lookalike audience, you will be directed to a landing page that displays all the audience that has been created.

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