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Macros support for Tracking Links
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Written by Team IQM
Updated over a year ago

IQM, a Demand Side Platform (DSP), supports various macros that advertisers can use when creating tracking links. Tracking links are special URLs designed to monitor and measure the performance of advertising campaigns. These macros act as placeholders within the tracking links, allowing for dynamic insertion of relevant information at runtime. These macros provide valuable insights into campaign engagement, targeting, and user behavior for advertisers.

In this article, we will explore how each macro can be used and provide examples that show how they can be used to customize tracking links and capture specific data points related to ad interactions, user devices, campaign details, and more. Let's dive into the details of each macro and how you can leverage them more effectively in your tracking links..





Click URL of the bidder's creative.


Ad platform being used.


Unique identifier of the advertiser.


Bundle ID of the mobile application.


Unique identifier of the mobile application.


Name of the mobile application.


Bid price for the impression.


Cache-busting value to ensure fresh ad serving.


Bid value for the campaign.


Type of campaign, such as display or video.


Unique identifier of the campaign.


Name or description of the campaign.


Name of the mobile carrier.


Click URL for tracking purposes.


Length of the content.


Unique identifier for conversions.


Country code of the user's location.


Unique identifier of the creative.


Size specifications of the creative.


Unique identifier of the user's device.


Latitude of the user's device location.


Longitude of the user's device location.


Name of the user's device operating system.


Platform ID of the user's device.


User-Agent string of the user's device.


Exchange-specific request identifier.


Name of the exchange.


Geographical region of the user's location.


URL for the map related to the user's location.


GPS latitude of the user's device location.


GPS longitude of the user's device location.


Source latitude of the user's device location.


Source longitude of the user's device location.


Unique identifier of the impression.


Indicates if the ISP is cellular.


Radius of the user's location.


Name of the device manufacturer.


API key for mapping services.


Name of the device model.


Version of the MRAID (Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions).


Classification of the device operating system.


URL of the page where the ad is displayed.


Unique identifier of the publisher.


Unique identifier of the seller.


Unique identifier of the site.


Platform of the site.


Indicates if SSAI (Server-Side Ad Insertion) integration is used.


Name of the state or province.


Type of supply, such as app or website.


URL for ticker-related information.


Timestamp of the event.


Escaped version of the tracking click URL. This macro should be used for 3rd party click trackers. This is the encoded version.


Tracking click URL for measurement purposes. This macro should be used for 3rd party click trackers.


Unix timestamp of the event.


Unique identifier of the user.


IP address of the user.


URL for winning impressions.


Placeholder for privacy-related information (specific to US privacy regulations).


To better understand the usage of macros, let's consider a hypothetical scenario where an advertiser is running a mobile advertising campaign with the following details:

Campaign Name: "Summer Sale 2023" Creative ID: 12345678 Device ID: ABC123DEF456

Using the macros in the tracking links, here's how the respective macros would be populated:

  • {IAA_CAMPAIGN}: Summer Sale 2023

  • {IAA_CREATIVE_ID}: 12345678


For instance, if the tracking link includes the macro {IAA_CAMPAIGN} and is clicked by a user on a device with the ID ABC123DEF456, the macro will be replaced with the actual campaign name, resulting in a personalized tracking link like:

By incorporating these macros into your tracking links, you can effectively capture and analyze campaign-specific information, creative identifiers, and device identifiers to gain valuable insights into the performance and engagement of your advertising efforts.

Leveraging macros in tracking links allows advertisers to effectively track and measure the performance of their campaigns on the IQM DSP. Experiment with these macros to tailor your tracking links and gain valuable insights into campaign engagement, targeting, and user behavior.

For further assistance or inquiries, please reach out to our support team at

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