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Upload an audio creative

Add or embed an audio creative to your creative library, and add custom tracking solutions to it.

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Written by Team IQM
Updated over a month ago

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Audio creative overview

Advertisers rely on audio creatives to reach on-the-go users with brief and memorable ads that play on publishers’ digital audio players. You can add audio creatives to your creative library in the IQM platform one by one or in bulk, and from the following locations:

You can also choose between uploading a standard audio file (MP3, WAV, OGG, MPEG) or embedding an audio file using a Digital Audio Ad Serving Template (DAAST) XML schema. The DAAST code communicates an audio ad’s key details between the ad server and the audio player.

Refer to Creative ad specs and requirements to confirm that your creatives follow IQM and industry requirements before you add them.

Upload an audio file

Upload an audio file from the Creatives app

Follow these steps to add audio creatives from the Creatives app:

  1. Select the Creatives app from the homepage.

  2. Click Audio and + Add New. This will open the Audio Creative pop-up window, where you can select or enter your ad details.

  3. Choose which method you’d like to follow to add the image creatives:

    1. Upload them from your computer’s local files.

    2. Drag-and-drop them from your computer’s local files.

    3. Upload them from an external Google Drive or Dropbox account.

  4. To upload creatives from your computer’s local files, select Upload Audio, choose one or more audio files, and click Open.

  5. To drag-and-drop creatives, open your computer’s local files, choose one or more audio files, and drag your cursor from those files to the or Drag & Drop section.

  6. To upload a creative from an external Google Drive or Dropbox account, select the corresponding company’s icon.

    1. A pop-up window will open and prompt you to log in, accept any applicable privacy settings, and select the desired files from your online drive.

  7. Play the audio clip to confirm that it renders as expected.

  8. If desired, expand the Audio Thumbnail menu to add a companion image to accompany the audio ad. Choose which method you’d like to follow to add the thumbnail image:

    1. Upload it from your computer’s local files.

    2. Drag-and-drop them from your computer’s local files.

    3. Upload them from an external Google Drive or Dropbox account.

  9. Type a name for the creative into the Name field.

    1. By default, the file’s name will populate. If you change the creative’s name, choose a unique one to differentiate the audio ad from others that you may upload.

  10. In the Click URL field, enter the full URL address where users will be directed to when they click on the creative.

    1. To apply the same click URL to each of the creatives you’re uploading, use the Click URL field found in the Apply to all section instead.

  11. Complete the 3rd Party ID or Custom Tracking fields, if desired.

    1. Refer to Add custom tracking to an audio creative for more details and instructions.

  12. Select Add Creative to save the audio ad(s) to the Creatives app.

Upload an audio file from the Campaigns app

Follow these steps to add an audio creative file from the Campaigns app:

  1. Select the Campaigns app from the homepage.

  2. Choose an insertion order (IO), then filter or search your campaigns to locate the one for which you want to add a new creative.

  3. Locate the Campaign Name column and click the campaign’s name. This will redirect you to a landing page for the campaign, where you can add or update its details and targeting parameters.

    1. Select + Create Campaign instead if you’d like to add the new creative to a new campaign.

  4. Locate the Audio Creatives section.

  5. Select + New Creative.

  6. Follow steps 3 through 12 of the Upload an audio file from the Creatives app workflow. This process will end with an Add to Campaign button in place of the Add Creative button.

  7. Save the creative(s) to the campaign.

    1. If this is an existing campaign, click Save on the campaign’s landing page.

    2. If this is a new campaign, click Save as Draft on the campaign’s landing page, or click Run if you’ve completed all other required and applicable sections for this campaign.

Embed an audio file with a DAAST XML/URL

Embed an audio file from the Creatives app

Follow these steps to embed audio creatives from the Creatives app:

  1. Select the Creatives app from the homepage.

  2. Click Audio and + Add New. This will open the Audio Creative pop-up window, where you can select or enter your ad details.

  3. Choose which method you’d like to follow to add the DAAST code.

    1. Manually paste the code.

    2. Drag-and-drop a spreadsheet that contains the code from your computer’s local files.

    3. Upload a spreadsheet that contains the code from an external Google Drive or Dropbox account.

  4. To manually paste the code, select + Add DAAST XML/URL and enter the code into the DAAST XML/URL field. Complete this process for each additional creative, if applicable.

  5. To drag-and-drop a spreadsheet, open your computer’s local files, choose one or more files, and drag your cursor from those files to the or Drag & Drop section.

  6. To upload a spreadsheet from an external Google Drive or Dropbox account, select the corresponding company’s icon.

    1. A pop-up window will open and prompt you to log in, accept any applicable privacy settings, and select the files from the online drive.

  7. Play the audio clip to confirm that it renders as expected.

  8. Type a name for the creative into the Name field.

    1. Choose a unique one to differentiate the audio ad from others that you may add.

  9. Add an ID to the 3rd Party ID field, if desired.

    1. Refer to Add custom tracking to an audio creative for more details and instructions.

  10. Select Add Creative to save the audio ad(s) to the Creatives app.

You’ll notice that, unlike audio file uploads, DAAST XML/URL embeds don’t include the option to add URLs to a Click URL or Custom Tracking field. That’s because those tracking elements can be embedded directly into the DAAST code.

Embed an audio file from the Campaigns app

Follow these steps to embed a DAAST audio creative from the Campaigns app:

  1. Select the Campaigns app from the homepage.

  2. Choose an insertion order (IO), then filter or search your campaigns to locate the one for which you want to add a new creative.

  3. Locate the Campaign Name column and click the campaign’s name. We’ll redirect you to a landing page for the campaign, where you can add or update its details and targeting parameters.

    1. Select + Create Campaign instead if you’d like to add the new creative to a new campaign.

  4. Locate the Audio Creatives section.

  5. Select + New Creative.

  6. Follow steps 3 through 10 of the Embed an audio file from the Creatives app workflow. This process will end with an Add to Campaign button in place of the Add Creative button.

  7. Save the creative(s) to the campaign.

    1. If this is an existing campaign, click Save on the campaign’s landing page.

    2. If this is a new campaign, click Save as Draft on the campaign’s landing page, or click Run if you’ve completed all other required and applicable sections for this campaign.

Add custom tracking to an audio creative

Custom tracking overview

If desired, you can specify external tags, pixels, or tracking URLs and add them to your audio creatives in the IQM platform to measure performance independently:

  • 3rd Party ID: Reconcile performance data with IQM using the ID that you assigned to a creative on an external, third-party platform. This field is optional with the following use cases:

    • Keep track of your uploaded ads.

    • Reconcile data and compare delivery information.

    • Apply the identifier for your own reporting purposes such as for use in an external data visualization tool.

  • Impression Tracking URL: Calculate the number of times the ad displays, and measure post-view attribution based on a conversion time frame that you define.

  • Duration Tracking URLs (Start, 1st Quartile, Midpoint, 3rd Quartile, Complete): Measure how much of the audio ad was played and determine whether it was started or reached 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of its total duration.

Add a 3rd Party ID or tracking URL to an audio creative

  1. Go to the desired third-party system to create the tracking event and obtain a URL or ID.

  2. After opening the creative in the Creatives app, enter the applicable ID into the 3rd Party ID field, if desired.

  3. Expand the Custom Tracking menu and enter the applicable ID into each corresponding field.

  4. Complete all other required and applicable fields, and select Add Creative to save your changes to the Creatives app.

Locate additional creative resources

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