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How to Manage Programmatic Guaranteed Deals in the Inventory App
How to Manage Programmatic Guaranteed Deals in the Inventory App
Team IQM avatar
Written by Team IQM
Updated over a week ago

In the inventory app, you can perform the following essential operations for PG Deals:

  • Add a New PG Deal

  • View PG Deals

  • Edit any PG Deal

  • Delete PG Deals

  • Assign PG deal to Campaigns

Add a new PG deal

Follow these steps to add a new PG deal to your account, allowing you to use it in a campaign once it's added.

Open the Inventory app and navigate to the PG tab.

Click on "Add New Deal" to open a popup where you can add a new deal, which will then be saved to your account. You will need to provide the following information when creating or adding a deal:

  1. Deal ID

  2. Deal Name

  3. Exchange

  4. Deal Status: By default, the status is set to Active when you add the deal. You can change the status to Inactive later. Inactive deals are not visible to any campaigns.

  5. CPM: This is reference data provided by the SSP/Publisher that you can store within the deal. This value will not be used in the auction.

  6. Description

  7. Payment to: The default value is set to "Platform," indicating that the payment will be sent to the Platform. Currently, this value cannot be changed.

After filling out all the details in the popup, click on the "Add" button. The deal will then be added to your account and will be visible in the PG tab in a table format.

View PG Deals

All PG deals available in the account will be displayed in the PG table within the Inventory app. Open the PG tab to access the PG Deal View page.

You can perform certain actions after selecting PG deals from the table.

You can filter PG deals from the left panel. To do so, select your desired exchanges or deal status. Enter your search criteria in the left panel and click "Search" to filter the results in the table on the right panel.

The value in parentheses in the status column for any deal indicates the number of campaigns using that deal.

Click on the value in parentheses to open a popup displaying a list of campaigns currently utilizing the deal.

Edit PG Deal

Once the PG deal is created, you can easily edit the existing deal. Select any deals from the table by clicking the checkbox next to the deal and click "Edit."

In the edit popup you can view and edit the following properties of the PG deal.

  • Deal ID

  • Deal Name

  • Exchange Selection

  • Deal Status

    • Note: You cannot change the status of the deal to Inactive if it is currently assigned to any campaigns

  • CPM

  • Description

In the Edit view, you can also see the list of campaigns where the deal is being used.

To confirm the edit, click the "Save" button. This will save the changes to the deal. If the deal is being used by any campaigns, all those campaigns will reflect the updated changes.

Delete PG Deals

Once you select a deal, the Delete action will become available at the top of the table. Click on Delete to remove the deal. A confirmation popup will appear to confirm your action. Please note that this action is irreversible. Once the deal is deleted, it cannot be undone. Active deals assigned to any campaigns cannot be deleted; only unassigned or inactive deals are eligible for deletion.

Assign Deal to Campaigns

You can assign deals directly from the Inventory app to any campaigns. Select the deal you would like to assign to a campaign. Once the deal is selected, the "Assign To Campaign" action will appear. This action is only applicable for active deals, so if the deal is inactive, you must first change its status to Active.

Click on "Assign To Campaign" to open a popup that will allow you to select the campaign to which you want to assign the deal.

You can search and select one or more campaigns from the dropdown in the popup. Once you select the campaigns for the deal, all the selected campaigns will be listed in a table within the popup.

To confirm the selection, click on the "Update" button. This will save the changes and assign the deal to all the selected campaigns.

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