How to do NPI Matching
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Written by Team IQM
Updated over a week ago

NPI matching correlates the NPI numbers supplied by our customers with their respective digital identities. This process enables advertisers to deliver healthcare-related ads effectively by ensuring the ads reach the appropriate medical professionals.

NPI matching is enabled in the IQM platform through the Matched Audience function in the Audiences app.

How to upload a file for NPI matching

To upload a CSV or XLSX file for NPI matching:

Open the Audience app. From the audience types on the left hand side, select Matched Audience and click Create New.

Alternatively, open the Audience app and select Create New. Then, choose Matched Audience and click Create.

Name your Audience and click Browse to upload your file.

Locate your file, select it and click open.

Once your file is uploaded, select the I have a VoterID/NPI Number/Email/Phone/Address in the file checkbox.

Select “NPI Number” from the dropdown menu in the System Fields column.

Select “NPI Number” from the dropdown menu in the Uploaded File Columns column.

Under Uploaded File Columns, select the column in your file that corresponds to the field you chose.

If desired, you can add additional system fields (first name, last name, phone, email or full address). To do this, click on + Add Field in the next row and choose the field you would like to add. Adding more fields is optional, but the more fields you add, the higher the probability we are able to match the record to our database.

When you’ve finished adding your desired fields, click Create.

Your newly created audience can be accessed in the audience table through the main screen of the Audience app. In this table, you can also see the number of records from your file, match rate, # of uniques in your segment, and cost. Insights reports are available for audiences in ready state, consisting of at least 10k records. To learn how to access your report, please refer to the Intercom article on How to Generate Audience Insights.

To learn how to target your audience in the IQM platform, please refer to Selecting a Segmented Audience.

To learn more about NPI Matching, see the below articles:

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