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Add an image to your creative library
Add an image to your creative library
Team IQM avatar
Written by Team IQM
Updated over a week ago

To upload an image to your creative library:

  1. Open the Creatives screen.

  2. Select Image from the Creatives panel, located on the left side of the screen.

  3. Select Upload Images, then choose the files you want to upload.

  4. In the Name field, enter the name for your new creative.

  5. In the Click URL field, enter the full URL address where users will be directed to when the creative is clicked.

  6. To add an optional tracking pixel, select + Tracking Pixel URL, then enter the URL of the tracking pixel you want to use.
    If you choose to upload multiple images at once and want to use the same Click URL and Pixel URL for every image, you can enter the Click URL and Pixel URL into the fields located above the selected images.

  7. Select Create.

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