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Create and edit Dashboards
Create and edit Dashboards

Create, edit, and clear your Dashboards

Team IQM avatar
Written by Team IQM
Updated over a week ago

Create a new Dashboard

To create a new Dashboard layout:

  1. Open the Dashboard.

  2. Apply your preferred settings and filters to the Dashboard.

  3. Open the Dashboard menu, located at the top of the screen.

  4. Select Create New Dashboard.

Save Dashboard settings

To save changes to an already existing Dashboard:

  1. Open the Dashboard.

  2. Select the Dashboard you want to edit from the Dashboard menu.

  3. Apply the preferred changes to the Dashboard.

  4. Select Save Dashboard.

Open a saved Dashboard

Select the Dashboard option you want to display by using the dropdown menu, located in the top left corner of the screen.

Clear Dashboard settings and filters

You won't be able to undo this action once your settings and filters have been cleared. To clear your Dashboard settings and filters:

  1. Open the Dashboard.

  2. Select the Reset Dashboard button.

  3. Select Reset to confirm your choice.

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